Take the I-Just-Moved Competition Quiz, and see how you rank against others!
[ ] All of my boxes are unpacked or moved in proper storage locations
[ ] I have cooked at home at least one of the past two nights
[ ] I know where my toothbrush is
[ ] The bank knows my new address
[ ] The DMV knows my new address
[ ] I am registered to vote in my new location
[ ] I have keys for all the locks on my house, and I know which lock every new key goes to.
[ ] I did not almost trip over an unknown object and nearly kill myself in the dark last night trying to get into bed.
[ ] I have finished enough of the items on the first back-of-an-envelope to-do list I made to warrant making a new list on the back of a new envelope.
[ ] I have actually calmed down enough to take a walk around my new neighborhood.
[ ] I know where the hot water heater, circuit breaker box, and furnace (if any) are.
[ ] The hot water heater, circuit breaker box, and furnace are all working fine.
[ ] If someone visits and needs a needle and thread, a band-aid, and a box of tissues, I could find these all within five minutes.
Now just add up the number of checked boxes. Add to that 1/2 point for each new neighbor you have met. Multiply by 10. Divide the result by the number of nights you have been at your new address. What is your score?!?
0-5: You are an utter failure! You should never move again. You should never have moved in the first place. Worse than amateur.
6-10: You are basically no good at this. You should consider living in an RV for the rest of your life.
11-15: You are below average, but you will probably live through it. Next time, make some sort of plan.
16-20: You are mediocre. No one will mistake you for a professional, but there will probably be no long-term psychological damage.
21-25: You are doing above-average. You might even fool someone, such as your dog, into thinking you have been at your place several days longer than your really have.
26-30: You are an excellent mover. In fact, it's kind of suspicious. Possibly, you were actually "moving" into a house you already sort of lived in, such as a boyfriend's or your own summer place.
30 and above: You didn't move. You just thought you did. You're really in the same place you were before.