All I Need Is This Patch Of Grass
9 returned last week from a monthlong vacation with his grandparents in Major Metropolitan Area. He was certainly doted upon there, but the downside was restriction to the indoors. Back home, he has taken every opportunity to doze in the backyard. He moved his favorite napping spot-- it used to be over by the crabapple tree, but now it's a patch of lawn next to the lowest-hanging morning glory blossom. In fact, he has spent so much time in this one spot that he's completely killed the grass there. I've been trying to encourage him to rotate his sleeping location-- if only to be less predictable in case Enemy Cat is planning an assault-- but he won't pay attention.

Cool, sort of......cats aren't usually that consistent in where they lie down.
Ah, it's good to see 9 is home again. He bears a weird resemblance to Harold the Cat for whom I am catsitting this week. Unfortunately, Harold prefers human furniture to the outdoors.
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